bambino nuffnang

Sunday, July 20, 2008

everest mountain

my homework has piled up as high as the everest mountain... i didnt exaggerate it... i really have lotsa homework awaiting me to complete them...

let me list down all my homework,

- a stack of exercise papers
- few stacks of exercise papers
math 1
- 1 piece of exercise paper
- text book exercises
math 2
- many pieces of exercise papers (about 50+ questions)
- text book exercises
- presentation
PA 2
- science essay
- questions analysis
- text book exercises

see, these are all my homework excluding my tuition work...

let's see my tuition work,

economy tuition (macro)
- exercise papers
economy tuition (micro)
- definition spelling
chemistry tuition
- drawing

i must kick my ass to complete them tomorrow... no blogging, no novel, no television, no computer... can i do that??? impossible... haha... anyhow, i will try to do as much as posible tomorrow...

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