bambino nuffnang

Saturday, September 13, 2008


yesterday night we celebrated our friends whose birthday drop in september, success in organising librarian annual farewell and meanwhile, release our stress after exam at tc... it was totally FUNTASTIC!!!

i went to LIYU's house waiting for JIN JIN and CATHERINE... after that, CATHERINE became the driver, fetched us to TC...

we gathered at MC D and walked to HILLVIEW to have steamboat as our dinner... we crapped and crapped all the way to the restaurant... GARY did the order... poor YONG QIAN who has allergic... she didnt eat anything there but watched us gulping our food... you know what, she even helped us to remove the prawns' shell... thanks a lot, YONG QIAN mummy!!! haha... without knowing how it started, HUI YI, HUI LING, me and JIN JIN suddenly acted as if we were actor and actresses... HUI YI acted as TONY LEONG CHIU WAI; HUI LING acted as CHEUNG MAN YUK; i acted as CARINA LAU KA LING; JIN JIN acted as JOLIN TSAI... we did all sort of crazy stufts and not to forget attack the food gluttoniously... haha...

we ate until 10pm something... we thought we can enjoy our desert (tiramisu cake) there but the restaurant closing time is 10pm!!! ok, fine... we went to the booth in front of MC D to continue our desert session... LUM was the 'cake sitter'... he took care of the cake, carried the cake... when we reached there, we realised that we didnt have any lighter... how were we supposed to light the canddle??? cake without lighting canddle means nothing for birthday... at that moment, all sort of crazy ideas like light fire with stone, light fire with sticks and others popped out... suddenly, someone came!!! guess who??? YI SHIN aka YIPO came!!! oh, our saviour!!! haha... we punished her to borrow lighter for coming late... thank you so much, YIPO!!! finally, we got to eat the cake... another problem popped out... how to divide the cake??? there were so many of us... eventually, the cake was divided into 4 parts... each part was cut into 5 slices by 3 different cake cutter... the patterns of each part were different too... YUNG YAU was the worst cake cutter... haha... howbeit, he cut the nicest for LUM... *jealous**jealous*...

we went to the beach to play canddles after we won in the battle 'we versus cake'... haha... we played there for a while and went to the stalls to eat jelly ice special... it was toothsome!!! ANDREW came when we was eating the jelly ice special... wow!!! know what, when we were eating the jelly ice special, it was already 12am something!!! doomed!!! i told mummy to wait for me because i was way too lazy to bring along my house key... i even told mummy that i will coem back before 12am...

a big bold capital 'THANK YOU' to chua who fetched me home... hehe... luckily mummy didnt say anything... i expected her to nag me or scold me... surprisingly, she didnt... of cause, as a good girl, i reported everything to mummy... haha... my mummy even pitied chua because he had to fetched frederick home as frederick's house is so far...

i will grab pictures from the others and upload here as soon as possible... mind you, this is not a promise... i dare not to promisea because i always forget to upload... haha... sorry!!!

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