bambino nuffnang

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


what happened to my friends??? we used to be so close like a family, had such a strong bond among us... we had fun together, enjoyed our golden recess time together, went out together... ... now, our group have been broken into 2 groups... harmin and i are the middle people... we are stuck in between in 2 groups... mind you, it's hard to be in the middle... whenever we talked to 1 group, the another group will looked at us one kind... we had to listen to their disatisfaction and some sort like hatred towards the another group... this made me felt that i am such a double-faced jerk... i do not know what to do... i want the original group, the big cool family that we used to have to reform... i want them to stop naming each other foe... why they want to fight over a stranger... ok, he's not really a stranger but in terms of family, yes, he is a stranger... i lost my mind on the ways of linking all of you together again... i dont know what to do... i felt i am such a coward because i am trying to avoid being sandwished by these 2 groups by keep distance from them... howbeit, this made me a loner too... i lost the the shelter i can count on... of cause, harmin is still with me now... what about next year??? harmin is going to college next year... where can i fit myself in???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually you are not double-sided face person. You are just trying to reunite them by mixing with both group. You listen to what they say so that you know why they split into two group for a stranger to your group. Don't feel that your are being sandwiched, try to tell them how you feel after the group is separate, it may help a little. Anyway, I wish your problem can solve as soon as possible.